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張新儀 副研究員





  (Prospective Diabetes Management through an Integrated Delivery System)




1.       Pan WH, Lynn KS, Chen C-H, Wu YL, Lin CY and Chang HY, 2006, Using endophenotypes for pathway clusters to map complex disease genes. Genet Epidemiol, 30(2): 143-54.

2.       Pan WH, Hung YT, Shaw NS, Lin W, Lee SD, Chiu CF, Lin MC, Chen SY, Wu SC, Hong CM, Huang TY, Chang H-Y, Tu SH, Chang YH, Yeh WT, Su SC. 2005, Elderly Nutrition and Health Survey in Taiwan (1999–2000) Research design, methodology and content. Asia Pacific J Clin Nutr; 14(3): 203-10

3.       Lee M-S, Lin S-C, Chang H-Y, Lyu L-C, Tsai K-S and Pan W-H, 2005, High prevalence of hyperuricemia in elderly Taiwanese, Asia Pacific J Clin Nutr ; 14(3):285-92

4.       W-C Chang, C-F Hsiao, H-Y Chang, T-Y Lan, C-A Hsiung, Y-T Shih and T-Y Tai, 2005, Betel nut chewing and other risk factors associated with obesity among Taiwanese adults. Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord (in press)

5.       W-T Yeh, H-Y Chang, C-J Yeh, K-S Tsai, H-J Chen and W-H Pan, 2005, Do centrally obese Chinese with normal BMI have increased risk of metabolic disorders? Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord; 29(7):818-25

6.       Chang H-Y, Chiou C-J, Lin M-C, Lin-H-H, and Tai T-Y. 2004 A Population Study of the Self-care Behaviors and their Associated Factors of Diabetes in Taiwan: Results From the 2001 National Health Interview Survey in Taiwan. Prev. Med. 40:344-8.

7.       Pan W-H, Flegal KM, Chang H-Y, Yeh W-T, Yeh C-J, Lee W-C, Tsai K-S. 2004. BMI and obesity-related metabolic disorders, comparison between Taiwanese and US whites and blacks: implications for definitions of overweight and obesity for Asians. AJCN, 79(1):31-9

8.       Chiu H-C, Mau L-W, Chang H-Y, Lee T-K, Liu H-W and Chang Y-Y. 2004. Risk factors for cardiovascular disease in the elderly in Taiwan. Kaohsiung J Med Sci 20: 279-285

9.       石曜堂、洪永泰、張新儀、劉仁沛、林惠生、張明正、張鳳琴、熊昭、吳聖良.2003. 「國民健康訪問調查」之調查設計、內容、執行方式與樣本人口特性. 台灣衛誌22: 419-430

10.    林定鄉、張新儀、翁文舜、陳怡如、卓恩妤、熊 昭、劉仁沛 2003 「國民健康訪問調查」資料管理系統之介紹. 台灣衛誌 22431-440

11.    樂冠華、潘怜燕、林明珠、張新儀、石曜堂. 2003. 台灣地區兒童特殊靜態活動、高熱量飲食攝取及身體質量指數分析:2001NHIS之結果. 台灣衛誌22: 474-482

12.    鐘文慎、張新儀、石曜堂、溫啟邦. 2003. 國人自覺心理健康:2001年國民健康訪問調查結果. 台灣衛誌 22: 465-473

13.    潘怜燕、張新儀、石曜堂. 2003.台灣地區6-12歲兒童的交通安全保護行為-地區差異及家庭聚集:2001年國民健康訪問調查之結果. 台灣衛誌 22: 483-490

14.    Chen J-Y, Chang H-Y and Pan W-H. 2003. Modification of locally weighted method and reference standards for height, weight, and body mass index of boys and girls aged 4 to 18 in Taiwan. Human Biology 75(5) 749-770.

15.    潘文涵、洪永泰、蕭寧馨、林薇、李世代、邱正芬、林盟喬、陳思遠、吳淑瓊、杭極敏、黃登源、張新儀、杜素豪、章雅惠、葉文婷、蘇淑真.2003台灣地區老人國民營養健康狀況調查1999-2000:調查設計、執行方式、及內容。台灣地區老人國民營養健康狀況調查1999-2000pp. 1-28,行政院衛生署,台北市。

16.    Chang H-Y, Yeh W-T, Chang Y-H, Tsai K-S and Pan W-H, 2002, Prevalence of dyslipidemia and mean blood lipid values in Taiwan: results from the Nutrition and Health Survey in Taiwan (NAHSIT, 1993-1996). Chinese J of Physiology 45(4): 187-197.

17.    Hwu C-M, Chang H-Y, Chen J-Y, Wang S-L, Ho L-T, and Pan W-H, 2002, Quantitative vibration perception thresholds in normal and diabetic Chinese: influence of age, height and body mass index. Neuroepidemiology, 21(6):271-8.

18.    Pan W-H, Yeh W-T, Chang H-Y, Hwu C-M, and Ho L-T, 2003, Prevalence and awareness of diabetes and mean fasting glucose by age, sex, and region: results from the Nutrition and Health Survey in Taiwan, 1993-1996. Diabetic Medicine, 20:182-185.

19.    Hu S-W, Yang L-C, Chang H-Y, 2002, Factors associated with amalgam restorations in Taiwan. British Dental Journal 193(7): 411-414.

20.    Chiou, C-J and Chang H-Y, 2002. Do the elderly benefit from Annual Physical Examination? An Example from Kaohsiung City, Taiwan. Preventive Medicine 35: 264-270.

21.    Tsai M-C, Wen C-P, Tsai S-P and Chang, H-Y, 2002, Comparison of mortality experience between Chinese in Taiwan and Chinese in the US. (Abstract) American Journal of Epidimiology, Suppl 155: S87.

22.    Wu, S-J, Chang Y-H, Chang H-Y and Pan W-H., 2001, Food sources of dietary calcium, phosphorus, iron, and sodium: results of Nutrition and Health Survey in Taiwan (NHSIT): 1993-1996. Nutrition Science Journal 26: 142-158.

23.    Wu, S-J, Chang Y-H, Chang H-Y and Pan W-H., 2001, Food sources of dietary vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin C, vitamin E, and Niacin: results of Nutrition and Health Survey in Taiwan (NHSIT): 1993-1996. Nutrition Science Journal 26: 213-229.

24.    Chang, H-Y, Pan W-H, Yeh W-T, and Tsai K-S, 2001, Hyperuricemia and gout in Taiwan: results from the nutritional and health survey in Taiwan (NAHSIT: 1993-1996). J. of Rheumatology 28(6): 1640-1647

25.    Chang, H-Y, Suchindran C.M. and Pan W-H, 2001, Using the Overdispersed Exponential Family to Estimate the Distribution of Usual Daily Intakes of People Aged Between 18 and 28 in Taiwan. Statistics in Medicine 20(15): 2337-2350.

26.    Lu, T-H, Chang, H-Y, Hwu, C-M, Chiu, H-C, Yin, W-H and Pan, W-H, 2001, Comparison of official coding versus physician panel assignment of the underlying cause of death. J Formos Med Assoc 100(6): 1-5.

27.    Pan, W-H, Chang, H-Y, Yeh, W-T, Hsiao, S-Y, and Hung, Y-T 2001.  Prevalence, Awareness, Treatment and Control of Hypertension in Taiwan: Results of Nutrition and Health Survey in Taiwan (NAHSIT): 1993-1996. J of Human Hypertension 15:793-798.

28.    Chiu, H-C, Chang H-Y, Liu, H-W 2000. Height, Weight and Body Mass Index of the Elderly in Taiwan. Journal of Gerontology: Medical Sciences 55A (11): M648-690.

29.    Chang H-Y, and Suchindran, C. M. 1997. Testing overdispersion in data with censoring using the mixture of exponential families. Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods 26(12): 2945-2966. 

30.    Margolis LH. Kotelchuck M. Chang H-Y 1997. Factors associated with early maternal postpartum discharge from the hospital. Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine. 151(5):466-72.

31.    Haggerty, J. J. Jr., S. G. Silva, M. Marquardt, G. A. Mason, H-Y Chang, D. L. Evans, R. N. Golden, and C. Pedersen, 1997.  The prevalence of antithyroid antibodies in mood disorders. Depress-Anxiety 5(2):91-96.



1.      Lan T-Y, Chang H-Y, and Tai T-Y (2005) Functional status and health care costs in older population in Taiwan. Presented at the 133th annual meeting of APHA, Philadelphia, USA

2.      Shih S-F, Chou Y-J and Chang H-Y (2005) Utilization of Complementary and Alternative Medicine Under Taiwan's National Health Insurance. Presented at the 133th annual meeting of APHA, Philadelphia, USA

3.      Chen H-Y, Chang H-Y*, Shih S-F, Shih Y-T (2005) Are Teenagers Residing in Mountainous Areas in Taiwan More Subjected to Injury? Poster session of the International Health Economic Association, Barcelona, Spain.

4.     Chang H-Y and Chuang Y-L (2004) Exploring the feasibility of using small area estimation to estimate health behaviors in remote areas in Taiwan. Presented at the Joint Statistical Meeting, Toronto, Canada.

5.      Chen N-S, Chang H-Y*, Shih S-F, Lin Y-H, and Shih Y-T (2004) Possible effects of National Health Insurance on preference and actual outpatient visits in Taiwan. Presented at the 132th annual meeting of APHA, Washington DC, USA

6.      Chang H-Y, Chen N-S, Chung W-S I, and Shih Y-T. (2004) Does self-Perceived Mental Health States Affect the Utilization of Health Care? Presented at the 132th annual meeting of APHA, Washington DC, USA.

7.      Chang H-Y, Lin M-C, Pan W-H, and Lee T-K. 2003 Ten-year Changes of BMI, Blood Pressures, Blood Lipids and Glucose of Elderly in Taiwan. Presented at the 131th annual meeting of American Public Health Association, San Francisco, USA

8.      Chung W-S I, Shih Y-T, Wen C-P, and Chang H-Y*. 2003. General mental state of the residents in Taiwan: Results of 2001 NHIS in Taiwan. Poster session of the 131th annual meeting of American Public Health Association, San Francisco, USA

9.      Chang H-Y, C-M Chung, and W-H Pan 2003. Estimating Heritability of Complex Traits With Measurement Errors and Drug Effects. Presented at the 53th International Statistical Institutes, Berlin, Germany.

10.   Chang, H-Y and W-H Pan 2001. Estimating usual daily intakes distribution of people in Taiwan after accounting for large within individual variations. Presented at the 10th Annual Scientific meeting of Australasian Epidemiological Association, Sydney, Australia.

11.   Chang, H-Y and W-H Pan 2001. Applying factor analysis to data with measurement errors. Presented at the Joint Statistical Meeting, American Statistical Association, Atlanta, Georgia, USA

12.   Chiou C.J. and H-Y. Chang 2001. The perspective cohort study of the periodic health screening for the elderly. ICN 22nd Quadrennial Congress, Copenhagen.

13.   Chang, H-Y and W.H. Pan 2000.  Using time dependent hazard model to compare the cardiovascular mortality of elderly males in a potassium containing salt trial. Presented at the Joint Statistical Meeting, American Statistical Association. Indianapolis, Indiana, USA.

14.   Chang, H-Y and W-H Pan 2001. Estimating usual daily intakes distribution of people in Taiwan after accounting for large within individual variations. Presented at the 10th Annual Scientific meeting of Australasian Epidemiological Association, Sydney, Australia.





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