著作 1. 「我國參與全球衛生體系策略之回顧與挑戰」,2006年1月15日,2006台灣加入WHO的新策略研討會會議論文www.taiwanncf.org.tw/seminar/20060115/20060115-3.pdf 2. 「美國與台灣:我參與全球衛生體系的前景與挑戰」,2005年12月16日,台北之家2005中美外交與現今國際情勢講座會議論文 3. 「禽流感威脅於國家衛生安全之意涵」,《戰略安全研析》月刊,p.6-10,NO.6,2005年10月 4. 「因應禽流感衝擊-國際防疫策略簡介」,《國家衛生研究院簡訊》,第10卷第5期,p.2-7,2005年10月 5. 「歐盟新憲的困境與挑戰 ─ 歐盟新憲與我國加入WHO之探討」,2005年9月2日,歐洲聯盟研究論壇研討會會議論文 6. Chiu,Y.-W. ”Health Security-New Threats from Emerging Infectious Diseases and Its Implication for Regional Cooperation”, The report of the 22nd Taiwan-European Conference, University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark, 2005 Oct. 7. Chiu,Y.-W. ”Human Security- New Threats from Emerging Infectious Diseases”, The Bilateral Dialogue in Hanoi, Vietnam, 2005 Aug. 8. Chiu,Y.-W. “Developing Strategy for Health Policy Promotion in Taiwan”, The final report of the 3-year NHRI research project, 2005 Sep. 9. Chiu, Y.-W. “Research, Development and Application of Recombinant Antibody on Environmental Pollution Detection”. Invited presentation, Conference on Environmental Molecular Biotechnology Strategy: Series II: 2001 Oct., published on EPA website .
論文發表 1. Chiu, Y.-W.; Li, Q.X.*; Karu, A. E. Selective binding of polychlorinated biphenyl congeners by a monoclonal antibody: analysis by kinetic exclusion fluorescence immunoassay (KinExA). Analytical Chemistry, Aug. 2001,73,5477-5484. 2. Chiu, Y.-W.; Chen, R.; Li, Q.X.*; Karu, A. E. Derivation and properties of recombinant Fab antibodies to coplanar polychlorinated biphenyls. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2000, May, Vol. 48, 2614-2624. 3. Chiu, Y.-W.; Development of monoclonal and recombinant antibodies and immunoassays for the most toxic coplanar polychlorinated biphenyls; Ph.D. Thesis, Program in Agricultural and Environmental Chemistry, University of California at Berkeley, March, 2000. 4. Chiu, Y.-W.; Carlson, R. E.; Marcus, K. L.; Karu, A. E.* A monoclonal immunoassay for the coplanar polychlorinated biphenyls. Analytical Chemistry, 1995, Nov. Vol. 67, 3829-3839. 5. Carlson, R. E.*; Chiu, Y.-W.; Marcus, K. L.; Karu, A. E. A toxic congener specific, monoclonal antibody-based immunoassay for PCBs. Organohalogen Compounds. 1995, 23, 193-198. 6. Carlson, R. E.; Harrison, R. O.; Chiu, Y.-W.; Marcus, K. L.; Karu, A. E. A toxic congener-specific, monoclonal antibody-based immunoassay for PCBs in environmental samples, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 11th Annual Waste Testing and Quality Assurance Symposium, Washington, D.C.; 1995.